The Quran Education

Islam and Christianity

Many people think that Islam and Christianity have the same principles and perceptions of God. Although both are monotheistic religions still there are several differences even in the underlying principles. One of the most debatable differences in underlying principles is the concept of sin. How this concept is different in Islam and Christianity? Both religions have the concept of sin. It means that there is punishment for disbelievers or for those who perform prohibited actions in both religions.

The concept of sin

The concept of sin varies. It varies by category, intensity, and intentions. For example, alcohol is not allowed for Muslims but at the same time, Christians consume alcohol during religious ceremonies as well. The cause of the underlying difference of sin is also based on a different perception of human nature.

Human Nature

Muslims consider sin as human nature that no one is perfect and man is destined to sin. Only Prophets were the pure people free of sins. On the other hand, Christian belief is that man is born a sinner and needs salvation. It is human nature that it is born as a sinner. Islamic views believe that all human beings are born innocent, pure, and free of sins. It is society and Satan that leads him astray and he can become pure again by repentance and asking forgiveness.

Why man is born a sinner?

The perception is carried from the story of Adam and Eve. Both religions’ scriptures narrate the story of Adam and eve and their dismissal from Paradise. But concepts divert after the story. Christians believe that Allah did not forgive Adam and now all the children of Adam are blemish of that sin. All the descendants and children of Adam inherited that sin of Adam and therefore all are born as sinners. They need a redeemer for the salvation of mankind and Jesus became the redeemer.

According to Islam

On the opposite, Islam has different concepts. According to Islam, Adam ate the prohibited plant and Allah dismissed him from Paradise. Adam realized his mistake after committing it and asked for repentance. Allah forgave him. His sin was forgiven and now his descendants also commit sins and ask Allah for repentance. Allah accepts their repentance and forgives them. Allah says in Quran:

“ But indeed, I am the Perpetual Forgiver of whoever repents and believes and does righteousness and then continues in guidance”. (20:82)

According to Islam, sin pollutes the soul of the being who committed it. It does not affect all other souls or descendants of that soul. Furthermore, repentance makes you free from sin and when Allah forgives a sin, man attains the same level of importance as he had before sinning. Hence, the sin of Adam was forgiven and the children of Adam are not supposed to bear the weight of the sin of their father. Allah says in Quran:

“No bearer of burdens (meaning sins) shall be made to bear another’s burden.”

Another difference between both religions about sin is the category of sins. Islam categorizes sin. A few sins are major and others are minor. If you want to study more about major sins in Islam. On the other hand, there is no such categorization of sins in Christianity. All sins are prohibited and people must not commit them. All sins are equally wrong without any change in the standard. In Islam, few sins are more prohibited than others and Muslims must look for repentance for all the major and minor sins.


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