In the twenty-first century, the world is a global village where people are connected. The distance of years has reduced into yards due to mobile and internet. This rapid transformation caused cultural flow and the introduction of new terminology and cultural terms. It is necessary to understand the actions and religious intervention in those practices. Narcissism is one of those foreign terminolo
Q. What is an evil eye? Q. Is there any concept of the evil eye in Islam? Q. Is it a right practice to wear amulets and charms to protect yourself from the evil eye? Q. These are some of the major questions that a Muslim raises about the evil eye? Q. Have you been the victim of the evil eye? Did you ever raise these questions? Q. Are you curious to learn what your religion says about this matter?I
Every coming day in our life brings worry and anxiety when we are passing through the hard days. What do we usually do at the onset of a calamity? Do we believe in Allah completely and our hearts are at rest because this is Allah's plan? For most people, the correct answer will be no. This is because our attitudes and behavior are different.When Allah takes away a single blessing back out of numer
In the twenty-first century, the world is a global village where people are connected. The distance of years has reduced into yards due to mobile and i...
Q. What is an evil eye? Q. Is there any concept of the evil eye in Islam? Q. Is it a right practice to wear amulets and charms to protect yourself from...
Every coming day in our life brings worry and anxiety when we are passing through the hard days. What do we usually do at the onset of a calamity? Do w...
What is leadership? Does Islam guide Muslims about how to become a good leader? Most people ask this question often. The answer to these questions is e...
Almighty Allah created us as complete human beings and He controls all the systems working in our bodies. All the human body parts play an important ro...