The Quran Education

Ghusl is a ritual bath for removing major and minor impurities of the body. To understand this frequently asked questions portion, please read How to perform Ghusl first. When you are aware of the complete process of performing Ghusl, you can better understand the answers to these questions.

If I am wearing a ring or any other jewelry, Should I remove this during Ghusl?

Yes, one should take off jewelry, ring, chain, watch, or any other jewelry item. It is necessary for correct Ghusl that water reaches every body part.

Should I wash the right side of the body first?

It depends on you because some scholars believe that one should wash the right side first and the left side of the body later. Few scholars say that you should wash your complete body without taking care of the right or left side. So, it depends on which school of thought you want to follow.

How to perform ghusl when we face scarcity of water?

Islam is an easy religion and makes things easy for a Muslim in tough circumstances. Similarly, there is leniency when no water is available. You can perform Tayammum. Now, what is tayammum? It is a ritual of the purification of the body by using clean sand. It is allowed to Muslims when there is no availability of water.

 Is it necessary to perform all the steps same time?

No, it is good to follow sequential steps. But it is not necessary to perform all the steps at the same time. Let’s explain this in a way that you can take some gaps. Sometimes, conditions are not favorable to perform all the steps. So, you can perform few steps, take a break and perform the remaining steps.

Should I perform Wudu after ghusl?

No, ablution is a method to remove minor impurities and Ghusl for both minor and major impurities. Firstly, your intention for cleanliness (Niyyah) and cleaning of contamination fulfill the purpose of Wudu. It happens in the case when you perform obligatory steps of Ghusl. If you follow the Sunnah method of performing ghusl then you have already performed Wudu during Ghusl. Hence, in both conditions no need to perform Wudu again after Ghusl. If a person touches his private parts, he should perform wudu after Ghusl. Otherwise, it is not necessary.

Is Niyyah or intention for ghusl a Sunnah?

No, Niyyah is the basic pillar of any Ibadah. It is not Sunnah but an obligatory step of Ghusl. If you have not performed ghusl with intention of removing impurities, it will be a simple bath, not Ghusl.

Are simple shower and ghusl the same?

No, there are many differences between both. Ghusl is a ritual bath performed to remove impurities. On the other hand, a shower is just a method of washing the body and a particular intention is not necessary for a bath. You do not perform obligatory steps while taking a bath. We can take a bath for any purpose. i.e., for cooling effect, cleanliness, or any other purpose. Similarly, there are no specific conditions when a shower is necessary but there are specific conditions when Ghusl is a must. These are some of the differences between Ghusl and a simple bath.


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How to utilize shampoo or soap while doing Ghusl?

You can use soap or shampoo before Ghusl or after it. You can also utilize cosmetics during Ghusl steps as well because performing obligatory steps of Ghusl will make your Ghusl correct. There is no issue if you use cosmetics.

Is it necessary to rinse the mouth and nose? What if someone forgets at the beginning?

Yes, it is necessary to rinse your mouth and nose because they are obligatory steps. If you forgot to rinse the mouth and nose at the start, you should perform this step in the middle or last.

Is the method of Ghusl the same for men and women?

Yes, the method of Ghusl is the same for men and women i.e., ghusl after Janabah, menstruation, or Nifas is the same. There is only one condition where the method of Ghusl is different for women. While performing ghusl after Janabah, women can take ghusl without undoing her braid. Similarly, it is Mustahab for a woman to use a piece of cloth scented with musk to remove impurities after menstruation.

While taking Ghusl, if something nullifies our Wudu, should we perform ghusl again?

No, if anything., urination, etc. nullifies your Wudu, no need to perform ghusl again. You will complete your Ghusl first and then perform ablution again.

 If someone touches the private parts of the body, is it necessary to renew Wudu? 

Scholars have a difference of opinion in this case. Few scholars say that if you touch due to desire then you should renew Wudu. If the desire was not a guide to touch private parts, then no need to renew your Wudu. Few scholars consider it to renew Wudu in both cases. So, you can follow any school of thought which you consider the best.

Is there any specific Duaa for Ghusl?

Some say there are many Dua for ghusl and many say there is no Dua for ghusl. But it is mandatory to recite Bismillah before this ritual bath. In Sunnah, there is no Dua for ghusl.

Is Ghusl enough for offering Salaah?

Yes, if you have performed ghusl according to Sunnah, Ghusl is enough for Salah, and no need to perform Wudu. In another case, you have performed ghusl intending to remove major impurities then also ghusl is enough. On the other hand, if you have performed ghusl for Jumma or Eid prayer and your intention was not to perform Ghusl for removing impurities, then it is necessary to perform Wudu again.



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