The Quran Education



What is Sin or Original Sin in Islam

Introduction “Sin” is a word that is commonly used in many religions. In this article, we will try to analyse the definition of this term in Islam. How does Islam deal with sin and sinners? The concept of sin is completely different in Islam from Christianity. The concept of original sin in Christianity is opposed […]


Major sins that every person or Muslim must avoid

Sin is a deviation from the divine law and commandments. Deviations can be smaller or bigger. Similarly, a few deviations mean sins are major and others few minors. If you want to read about sins more, read the article here. It is evident from the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that few sins are worst deviations and […]


How the concept of sin is different in Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity Many people think that Islam and Christianity have the same principles and perceptions of God. Although both are monotheistic religions still there are several differences even in the underlying principles. One of the most debatable differences in underlying principles is the concept of sin. How this concept is different in Islam and […]

Holy Prophet

Few Hadiths of the Holy Prophet PBUH

Few Hadiths We all are Muslims, believers of Allah, and followers of the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Islam teaches us about continuous improvement. Our tomorrow must be better than today. This blog will remind you of a few hadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that can help you to make your tomorrow better than today. Islam provides […]


Investment For the Day of Judgement

Introduction: Investment is something we do on daily basis. For example, a businessman invests in a new project and a housewife invests in a good vacuum cleaner. Similarly, a student invests his energy in the study and a fitness expert invests in fitness equipment. The purpose of all these investments is to get comfortable in […]

Holy Prophet

Finality of Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Finality of Holy Prophet (PBUH) Allah sent various messengers for the guidance of the people of different communities at different periods. This chain of sending Prophets started with Adam (father of all humans) and ended with Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The finality of prophethood has been a highly debatable topic in the previous few decades. Islamophobia led […]

Holy Prophet

False Prophethood of Musaylima al-Kadhdhāb and battle of Yamama

Allah bestowed Holy Prophet (PBUH) with the prophethood and assigned him the task of spreading the light of faith in humanity. This task was not easy and He (PBUH) faced many challenges and overcame them with the help of Allah. A brief study of the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) shows a list of those challenges. One of the major challenges in […]

Holy Prophet

The kindness shown for those who did not practise Islam by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) modelled respectful behaviour toward non-Muslims based on humanity, a lesson he also taught us. It is said in the Holy Quran that Allah states, “Surely the life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is an example for everyone who acknowledges Allah and the Day of Resurrection and remembers Allah in great abundance.” Verse 21 […]